Ivy Sequeira

Ruma Wha, Year 2 /3.

Kia Ora! My name is Ivy Sequeira. My passion is to teach my students the Values of Our School and show that I genuinely care and am concerned with their learning. I am from Goa, India, but have lived in New Zealand for the past twenty years. I have two lovely children. I live in West Auckland. I love my profession, psychology, music, dance, and cooking.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

My love for learning is the reason why I chose teaching. I am passionate about teaching and molding future generations and developing their untapped potential as individuals and helping them along on their journey to adulthood.

What do you enjoy most about working at our school?

Mr. Sterling, our principal always acknowledges our hard work and his excellent leadership, positive attitude, and encouragement help pull us through at school. At Don Buck school, I believe we all have the potential to be exceptional through our skills, talents, passions, and abilities to provide an exceptional learning environment for my students to be inspired and connected to their “Learning Through Play”. A challenge for them is a challenge for me and I thrive on challenges.

How do you keep your students engaged and motivated in learning?

The educational programme we follow at Don Buck School is “Learning Through Play”. Students use the different resources from the classroom with the aim of encouraging students to explore, wonder and pursue interests further in their play. I offer my students the play invitation to introduce new ideas and topics. It is child-led play, and I plan to respond to the student’s learning needs and interests by Noticing, Recognizing, and Responding to their play My children respond well to social reinforcers like praises, high-fives, waka or house points, and tokens to focus on the effort they put in.

How do you incorporate parent and community involvement in your classroom?

Family participation is important in my class. I keep in touch with the caregivers via emails to update the child’s progress. By inviting parents and families to attend school assemblies, Sports Day, Family evening get-togethers. Provide parents with regular newsletters. Parent information sessions about learning the BSLA programme. By inviting parents to share their expertise, skills, and experience with the class. We provide parents with opportunities to see what their child is learning in the classroom like Learning Through Play sessions.

What is one of your hidden talents?

Expressive storytelling, dancing, Listening, Empathy, Ability to make friends.

Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?

“Treat others the same way, you want them to treat you”.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Cooking, gardening, listening to music, watching movies, reading.