Aimee Bates

Ruma Rima, Year 2-3.

Get to know Aimee

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I have always wanted to be a teacher. My Mum is a primary school teacher and I remember visiting her classroom when I was at school. I enjoyed forming relationships with her students and I looked forward to supporting them as they learned. My passion for teaching young children grew as I entered adulthood. I love watching children become curious about the world around them. I strive to form relationships with all of my students and nurture them as they interact with their learning.

What do you enjoy most about working at our school?

Our philosophy in the Junior Area is around play-based learning. My desire is to provide opportunities for my students to extend their learning through experiences that are authentic and meaningful.

How do you keep your students engaged and motivated in learning?

I am passionate about discovering what my students are interested in. My students are eager to ask questions that naturally extend their thinking when they are interacting with a topic that is relevant to them. I enjoy feeding their curiosity by welcoming class discussions and providing materials that reflect their interests.

How do you incorporate parent and community involvement in your classroom?

I believe that it is important to connect with whaanau and the wider school community. Welcoming whaanau into the class and inquiring about how to best support their child/children is one of the best ways to fully encourage learning. Come and visit me in my class!

What is one of your hidden talents?

One of my hidden talents is mountain biking. I enjoy riding trails with challenging features.

Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?

‘’Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.’’ Mother Teresa

What do you like to do in your spare time?

My spare time is spent with my family and friends. I enjoy the outside world and my hobbies are mountain biking and hiking. There is a sense of achievement in doing what you love whilst being active!


We have completed our lockdown exercise and all students, staff and persons on-site are safely accounted for. 


Everyone did extremely well and responded to instructions. A notice will be going out to parents/caregivers tonight to provide some more information about our emergency lockdown procedures. 


I would like to personally thank you for your support while we conduct these practices.


Kind regards – Sandy Stirling, Principal